World’s fastest laser planning system for rapid Diamond Planning and Marking System. One of the most accurate laser scanning for measuring groove and cavity of the Diamonds. Introducing hi-tech laser mapping, planning and marking system with specialized software for Precise planning, uniform and sharp marking and customized text and logo marking. Indigenously designed and using latest domains available in the market, the product brings new lease of life for the production houses. Having full range of Diamond Planning and Marking solution by using the latest state-of-art optical lens technology, this is a new generation system which is the essential tool for diamond processing to get efficient production from rough diamonds.
Lightning Speed
3D Scanning accuracy
Operator friendly
Precise planning for achieving the perfect yield
Parallel Marking
Fast Scan application
Sharp and Uniform marking
The laboratory has introduced a new analytical testing service, providing the local region with a wide range of routine monitoring services including corrosion support, water chemistry analysis and deposit identification